The name's Fred M. Spinner....
the Call is W0FMS...
(Opinions are mine only!) |
IA QRP Club / Fred Spinner W0FMS / Jeff Woods W0ODS 30m "WARCbler" modifications to the NJ-QRP PSK-80 Warbler rig | IA QRP 30m WARCbler |
W0FMS Axial Mode Helix Antenna Dimension calculator (in Javascript) | Javascript Helix Calculator |
"Rube Goldberg" Patio AO-40 setup and results (As seen in June 2002 QST Magazine!) | Rube Goldberg AO-40 |
Beverage Antenna Calculator. Not completely done, no instructions yet. | Beverage Antenna Impedance Calculator |
Use an Old Astatic D-104 with a Modern Rig (Collins KWM-380) | D-104 to Modern Rig Modification Circuit |
Electro-Mavin 2.4 GHz Filter Network Analyzer Plots (no longer available from E-M) | Surplus Filter Plots |
K5GNA Murata Filter PCB Network Analyzer Plots | Murata Filter Board Plots |
Iowa QRP Newsletters in Adobe .PDF format. (Getting pretty outdated as IA-QRP hasn't been doing these for awhile.) | Iowa QRP Group Newsletters |
VHF/UHF Antennas you can build for $15-$20 or less...Will correct the one error in the page soon when I remember what it is. Also look at Kent Britain's own site as he now has (original source) info there on these nifty, well trade-off designed antennas. | Kent Britian, WA5VJB's "Cheap Rover Yagis" |
K0DAS' 10-m Bionic Death-Ray Yagi | Rod's BIG 10-m antenna |
Fractal Loop Antenna Explained
Plus link to the "Web Archive" to find the antenna this page is based on that has since been taken off of the Fractal Antenna Systems webpage |
Fractal Loop Explained
"Archived" "Fractenna" article |
L.B. Cebik's unusually good antenna pages. | L.B. Cebik |
Field Day Pictures from the Radio Farm (N0MA) 1998..Dated..yes...but respresentitive... | "Hotter than hell" Field Day 98 |
Pictures and soapbox commentary about the June 1998 VHF QSO Party...
Rover pictures from/of KA9VAW/R or why I decided to get W0FMS as a call finally!! -- I sold all of my pickup trucks! I need a new rover mobile!! WAAH!! :-( |
Rove on... |
The Motorola 56002 EVM page. | EVM page |
Also here is WT0D's PC Board Morse Code Keyer Paddle. I personally got to play with the unit, and it has an exceptional feel for something that small. Here's the link: | WT0D's Paddle Page |
American Radio Relay League (I'm a member) | ARRL Home Page |
Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation, North America (I'm a member) | AMSAT-NA Home Page |
Central States VHF Society
(GREAT conference once a year) |
CSVHFS Home Page |
IOWA QRP Club -- KQ0RP | Iowa QRP/KQ0RP Home Page |
W5YI Volunteer Examiner (#24147) & ARRL VE too.. | W5YI VEC |
Current Finished/Unfinished Projects: (Links:) |
AMSAT-OSCAR 40 (Rest in Peace, probably the last amateur HEO satellite!) Home Brew Antennas.. Starting the "Big Dish" Project | "Big Dish" Project |
SDR-Cube. Neat little Software defined radio that actually works because latency is controlled well | SDR-CUBE |
Small Wonder Labs PSK-20 -- Neat PSK-31 Rig (GREAT "New" Digital Mode) -- Built it and it works like a charm | Small Wonder Labs |
NJ QRP Club PSK-80 "Warbler" -- Neat PSK-31 Rig -- simpler than the PSK-20 | NJ PSK-80 rig |
Microwave equipment for roving.. have several of his units from several generations... 902 (old), 1296 (old), 2304, 3456, 10368 MHz: | Down East Microwave |
1296-Equipment: Antennas: Double-Quad Antenna. I am always interested in experimenting with odd (non-yagi) antennas. This antenna is supposed to be a broadband 8.5 dbd antenna. I've built a small one out of nothing but 12 gauge wire and feedline. Later I'll test it on a network analyser and on the range next year at the CSVHF Conference. | Double-Quad Antenna |
Hosting of this site done by Arivoo. | Arivoo Web Hosting |